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Summer Program

 AiB TAMU Germany Medicine and Diseases

Term: Summer I
In Cooperation with: Texas A&M University (TAMU) & Institute for Education and Social Innovation (ibugi)
The 6-week program AiB TAMU History of Medicine is directed at students of biomedical studies, biomedical engineering or veterinary medicine and combines the teaching of theoretical as well as practical skills from the fields of biology and medicine with an emphasis on the importance of the historical developments of said areas. The program does not only provide an overview of the history of medical sciences in Europe and the world, but also links its historical influences to today’s developments in medicine and biology. Thus, it broadens the students’ knowledge about and view of their field of studies while also comparing the similarities as well as differences between the German and US healthcare systems.
AiB Contact: Mara Minkler (Senior Academic Manager) –

More information


PVTPP 401/BMEN 400 – History of Medicine (4 credits) – taught by US faculty: 
The course is designed to introduce students to the major accomplishments and developments in the field of medicine that have occurred in Europe between antiquity and the present. It will introduce key figures and medical practices that shaped the development of human and veterinary medicine in Europe while also exploring the historical background of modern-day issues within the medical sciences, such as animal rights, the ethics of human experimentation and the application of biomedical research for military purposes.
VTPP 420 – Applied Pharmacology (2 credits) – taught by US faculty:
This course is an introduction to modern themes of therapeutic drugs in animals and humans including drug discovery and development, clinical use of drugs, and drug regulation. Additionally, this course will look at the basic mechanisms of how drugs enter, manipulate and leave the body and by doing so both the physiological as well as the psychological effects of medication will be discussed.
VTPP 485 – Directed Studies (1-4 credits) – supervised by US faculty: 
Students will receive credit for completing a directed study on a specific aspect of the current European veterinary or human medical environment. Specific topics could include (but are not limited to): (a) the euthanasia debate within the EU and the United States focusing on the historical antecedents for the varying legal and ethical positions taken by different governments; (b) the developing health care crisis in Europe resulting from the current global economic downturn; (c) comparative aspects of human stem cell research issues within the EU and between EU countries and the United States; (d) the history of research involving human subjects particularly the role played in the development of current concepts of informed concept after the formulation of the Nuremberg Code; (e) the debate in Europe over GM (genetically modified) crops and animals; (f) recent changes in German (and other EU) animal rights legislation and the effects of these changes on farm animal production methods.
GERM I – Elementary German – taught by AiB faculty:
This course is aimed at students without any pre-knowledge of the German language. The goal is to give students the ability to speak, understand, read and write German on a basic level. Especially every-day conversational skills that students will need outside of the classroom are highly emphasized. Additionally, the academic contents of the course will cover aspects of German history, directly connecting the learning of the language with a better understanding of the students’ study abroad location.


Academic Extended Study Tours:

4 days Vienna, Austria
4 days Norderney, Germany
3 days Berlin, Germany


Academic Regional Study Tours: 

Multiple academic one-day study tours to regional locations such as Cologne, Remagen, Bingen, and Andernach.


Cultural & Social Activities:  

Rhine River Cruise, Visiting German Castles , Museum of German Postwar History, Intercultural Workshops


Special Projects:

Hospital Shadowing in Cooperation with the University Clinic Bonn ( – Students are able to spend a whole day shadowing surgeons or orthopedists of the University Clinic Bonn to get to know the daily life of medical staff at one of Germany’s most prestigious teaching hospital.



Host Family, Independent Living, Hotel/Hostel (during Academic Extended Study Tours)

Summer Program

AiB TAMU Psychology

Term: Summer II
In Cooperation with: Texas A&M University (TAMU) & Institute for Education and Social Innovation (ibugi)
The AiB TAMU Psychology summer program provides students with a minor or major in psychology with the opportunity to explore and study their subject in central Europe, where the discipline has its roots, visiting historical sites such as the first exclusive psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany and the Sigmund Freud museum in Vienna, Austria. Besides historical explorations, the program includes an additional course and academic focus based on the research interest of the visiting faculty. Thus, the students will broaden their knowledge of the history of the study of psychology and be able to compare similarities and differences between German and American psychology approaches. Throughout this summer program, participants will be immersed into German culture and experience the country and its customs on a firsthand basis. 
AiB Contact: Mara Teresa Minkler (Senior Academic Manager) –

More information


PSYC 319 - History and Systems of Psychology  (3 credits) – taught by US Faculty
This seminar offers historical context and analysis of pre-scientific psychology in philosophy and physiology through the period of the psychological “schools”.


1 additional course depending on the visiting faculty member (3 credits):
EITHER PSYC 300 – Psychology of Women (3 credits) – taught by US Faculty
In this course theoretical and research literature relevant to psychological assumptions about the female personality will be analyzed and compared. Furthermore, challenges to and verification of these assumptions by recent experimental studies are discussed.


Or PSYC 306 – Abnormal Psychology (3 credits) – taught by US faculty
The seminar deals with a survey of behavior pathology; functional and organic psychoses, psychoneurosis, character disorders, psychophysiological disorders, alcohol and drug addiction and mental retardation; and their respective therapeutic and diagnostic methods.


Academic Extended Study Tours:

3 days: Berlin/Leipzig, Germany 
6 days: Vienna, Austria and Munich, Germany 


Academic Regional Study Tours: 

Multiple academic one-day study tours to regional locations such Cologne, an EDMR specialist office and a local psychological clinic.


Cultural & Social Activities:  

Rhine River Cruise, UNESCO World Heritage Site Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Psychomotility Workshop


Special Projects:

Visit of the Sigmund Freud Haus in Vienna, Austria ( 



Host Family, Hotel/Hostel (during Academic Extended Study Tours)

Summer Program

AiB TAMU International Public Health Emergency Preparedness

Term: Summer I
In Cooperation with: Texas A&M University (TAMU) & Institute for Education and Social Innovation (ibugi)
The AiB TAMU International Public Health Emergency Preparedness summer program examines how disasters and public health crises are managed in Europe and more specifically, in Germany. Undergraduate and graduate students of public health who are interested in becoming true global citizens solving complex trans-boundary crises will have the opportunity to meet with emergency managers, non-governmental organizations, and government entities in and around Bonn, Germany and the European Union to learn how current public health crises are identified and collaboratively addressed. Aided by these local experts in the field, undergraduate and graduate students work together in examining real health crises and proposed solutions and will present their findings at a one-day conference.
AiB Contact: Charlotte Korff (Senior Academic Manager) –

More information


PHLT 470 – Global Health Systems – Germany Preparedness and Planning (3 credits) – taught by US factulty
During this interactive seminar, bachelor students of public health will explore the differences in international approaches to managing special populations as a public health emergency. Students will have the opportunity to review both domestic and international emergency preparedness plans in order to compare and contrast the contents.
SOPH 670 – Global Public Health Systems and Practice Experiences (3 credits) – taught by US factulty
The graduate students will attend lectures and classes at various partner institutions and engage in public health practice and research activities. In addition to outside readings, the  students will be expected to conduct literature reviews and facilitate designated classroom sessions. Students will have the opportunity to review both domestic and international emergency preparedness plans, and also provide a critical evaluation of what is included and its relevance to public health.


Academic Extended Study Tours:

2 Days: Brussels, Belgium
3 Days: Berlin, Germany


Academic Regional Study Tours: 

Multiple academic one day study tours to regional locations such Cologne, the THW, German Red Cross and the UN.


Cultural & Social Activities:  

Rhine river cruise, Museum of German Postwar History, Local bike tour and intercultural Workshops.


Special Projects:

Final Symposium presenting the group reasearch conduct thoughout the program.



Host families, hotels/hostels (during academic extended tours)