The world

at home

with you

Host Families & Accommodations

Host Families & Accommodations

The world

at home

with you

The Academy for International Education (aib) has been organizing study abroad programs for U.S. students in Bonn for nearly 30 years. Not only do we offer our students and faculty excellent educational programs, but we also enable them to integrate into Bonn society and learn from local people how to live well in the UN City! With this goal in mind, we are always looking for families and individuals with free guest rooms and a desire for intercultural exchange.

Moments you will remember

Our students come from backgrounds including documentary film, game design, acting, landscape architecture, biomedical science, and engineering, and spend their time with us taking advanced courses, projects, and field trips as part of their studies. The duration of the programs ranges from 2 weeks to 16 weeks. 

For accommodation we work with three different models. We will be happy to answer questions about the organization by mail or phone.

Our models

Family stay

Home stay

Individual stay

Family stay

Family life together

In this model, which is particularly popular with students, our American guests are accommodated in families or shared apartments with family connections. “Family stay” includes a daily breakfast and a hot meal and is particularly suitable if you enjoy family togetherness.

Home stay

Together & Self-Determined

In the “home stay” model, students are also accommodated in guest rooms in a shared apartment but take care of their own meals. This format is thus more independent for both sides, but also leaves room for self-determined joint activities.

Individual stay

Your room in good hands

Along with the students, lecturers and teaching assistants also regularly come to Bonn, for whom the aib organizes their own accommodation. For them, we are always looking for apartments or rooms that can be rented for the duration of their stay. We are also happy to rent for interim.

Your Benefits

International experience

Educational exchange

Youth empowerment

Friendships for life

Our memberships

AiB is a member of these associations and organisations of higher education:


What our students say

” AIB gave me the opportunity to seek adventure. I learned that immersing oneself in different cultures each week made me a better designer, creator and well-rounded person.”

Emily Bonanno
Penn State Landscape Architecture Student

“Overall I received the maximum learning experience at AiB while having the time of my life. If I could experience studying abroad in Bonn all over again for the first time, I would.”

Denise Anne Tuquero
CSULB Psychology Student

“Choosing to spend a semester in Bonn with AiB was one of the best investments in myself that I’ve ever made.”

Madison Hansen
LMU Theater Arts Student

“AIB’s strong academic program helped me to improve my academics and also to open myself culturally.”

Tafita Rakotozandry
Lafayette Engineering Student

“Studying abroad with AIB was definitely the highlight of my college experience. The AIB program allowed me to grow as a person and explore a new part of the world all while providing engaging learning opportunities and a strong academic experience.”

Quinn McGannon
LMU Student

“My time with AiB was spectacular. I gained so much from my stay in Bonn. I was placed with a wonderful host family and was able to truly experience an immersed life in Germany.”

Evan Aranda
Texas A&M University Student

“The AiB has given me a life-changing experience that I will never forget. I am forever grateful for the gift of immense learning and formative experiences that the AiB provided me with.”

Emma Forthofer
LMU Film Semester Major


Are you interested in participating in intercultural exchange? We look forward to hearing from you!

Claudia Werth

Housing Coordinator

Tel: 0228-763 848-50

Johanna Herche

Housing Manager

Tel: 0228-763 848-50

Frequently asked questions

Was ist eine Clean-Desk Policy?

Clean-Desk Policy bedeutet, dass Du dir jeden Tag neu aussuchen kannst, an welchem Platz Du arbeiten möchtest. Komm morgens einfach ins Atelier und such dir eine gemütliche Ecke aus. Wenn Du Abends fertig bist, hinterlasse den Arbeitsplatz bitte so, wie du ihn vorgefunden hast. Dadurch kann auch ein*e andere*r Künstler*in den Platz wieder verwenden. Wenn du Abends das Atelier verlässt und am nachten Morgen direkt weitermachen möchtest, kannst du für einen Abend deine Materialien stehen lassen.

Komme ich auch am Wochenende und spät Abends ins Atelier?

Ja, in besonderen Fällen ist das auch möglich. Ein paar unserer Art Coworker*innen besitzen einen Schlüssel, mit dem sie dir nach individueller Absprache die Tür auch am Wochenende aufmachen können.

Welche Ausstattung hat die Küche?

Wir haben eine voll ausgestattete Küche mit Ceranfeld, Kühlschrank, Mikrowelle, Kaffeeautomat, Wasserkocher, Samowar, Töpfen, Pfannen, Geschirr, Besteck, Tassen und Gläsern.

Welche Veranstaltungen finden bei euch statt?

Wir organisieren regelmäßige Community-Treffen und andere Veranstaltungen über die wir Dich unter dem Reiter “News” auf dem Laufenden halten. Wenn Du per Email über neue Events benachrichtigt werden möchtest, abonniere gerne unseren Email-Newsletter.